Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 008)

( From page 006 B) Surface smooth - no conules or pointed processes
On open coast, intertidal to subtidal, 5 m.
Tangential skeleton of horizontal styles 80 to 120 μm thick, easily removed.
Surface not lace-like.
Hymeniacidon actites (Ristau, 1978)
Sponge: Encrusting to 2.7 cm, amorphous. Consistency: Firm, flexible. Surface: Smooth, with irregular contour. Oscula: Few oscula, 0.3- 1.3 mm diameter, often on slight mounds.
Color: Alive: Bright yellow. Preserved: White exterior, and yellow or white interior.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Styles-Smooth- gently curved: 165 - 220 um. x 4.0 - 8.0 um.
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Skeleton: Ectosome: Tangential ectosomal skeleton of ill- defined layers of Styles forming multi-spicular tracts united into polygonal network, or matted together. Subectodermal spaces well defined. Choanosome: Ectosomal skeleton supported by compact multispicular tracts or rests on interior spiculation. Interior spiculation confused, Styles pointing in all directions.
Distribution: Central to Northern California.
Depth: Rare. Intertidal to subtidal to 5 m.
Note: Was formerly known as Leucophloeus actites.
Deep water, 168 - 237 m.
NO removable tangential skeleton.
Surface smooth, lace-like.

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Hymeniacidon sp. Green & Bakus, 1994
Sponge: Encrusting to 0.2 mm, attached to barnacle shell. .
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