Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 097)

( From page 096 A) Spicule mean > 121 μm.
Sponge lobate to tubular, may branch or anastomose.
Habitat: intertidal, in bays.
Color: light tan, orange-brown, or cinnamon.
Chalinula loosanoffi (Hartman, 1958)
Sponge: Lobate to tubular the tubes to 6.5 cm high. Oscula: terminal, 3.5-5.0 mm across. Produces gemmules.
Color: Alive: Light tan, orange-brown, cinnamon.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Oxeas: 66 -85-156- 185 um. x 2.0 - 10 um. Range and means in any specimen highly variable
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Skeleton: Anisotropic reticulation, ladder-like, tracts of 2-6 or more spicules, most commonly multispicular. Cross spicules single and horizontal forming a loose reticulation and with chains of 2-4 spicules fastened end to end. Skeletal structure highly variable.
Distribution: Southern and Central California, in bays and harbors, commonly on floats. Originally reported from the U.S. East Coast.
Depth: Intertidal.
Note: Possibly synonymous with Haliclona sp. B, Hartman, 1975 and Haliclona ecbasis of Fell, 1970. These three species need special attention as identification of them in California is equivocal. It is also possible that we are dealing with a group of sister species which would make identification difficult.
Sponge encrusting.
Habitat: subtidal, open water.
Color: violet to rose.
(Bowerbank, 1866) [of Sim & Bakus, 1986]
Sponge: Encrusting to 4 cm. thick.
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