Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 155)

( From page 154 A) NO Styles present. Acanthostyles present.
Acanthostyles 3 size classes.
Toxa present.
Megaciella sp. 1 [of Lee]
Sponge: Thickly encrusting. Consistency: firm, slightly compressible. Surface: granular to verrucose. In larger specimens ridges separated by deep, narrow, fissures. Oscula: 1 - 4 mm, flush with surface or sunk into furrows, or on broad, volcano-like elevations, these often furrowed.
Color: Not given.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Acanthostyles: 79 -101-102- 145 um. x 5 -9- 13 um.
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(2) Acanthostyles: 145 -234-266- 339 um. x 12 -15- 17 um.
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(3) Acanthostyles: 321 -339-374 - 412 um. x 19 -22- 24 um.
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(4) Strongyles - Subtylotes with microspined tips: 164 -216-218-280 um. x 4 -5-7 um.
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(1) Palmate Isochelae: 16 -20-21- 25 um.
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(2) Toxa with high arch: 7 -85-119- 193 um.
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(3) Toxa with low arch: 8 -9- 13 um.
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Skeleton: Ectosome: Masses of Strongyles more or less parallel with surface, these penetrated by the tips of tracts. Choanosome: Confused but with thick, multispicular tracts of large Acanthostyles, braced by single to few Acanthostyles. Tracts echinated by smaller Acanthostyles.
Distribution: Central California.
Depth: Deep water.
Acanthostyles usually 2 size classes; may be 1.
Iophon rayae (Bakus, 1966)
Sponge: Thin, encrusting, amorphous.
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