Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 159)

( From page 158 A) Toxas present; Acanthostrongyles to > 130 μm.
[A] GO TO PAGE 160
NO Subtylostyles present.
Smaller Styles with microspined heads.
cc159A.jpg (Bakus, 1966)[See Green & Bakus, 1994 and Bakus & Green,1987].
Sponge: Encrusting to 7 mm thick. Surface: frequently roughened with tubercles and ridges.
Color: Alive: Tan, orange, red.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Styles: 140 -200- 240 um. x 2 -3- 4 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 4 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 129
(2) Styles: 222 -376- 680 um. x 6 -9- 11 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 4 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 129
(3) Styles (microspined heads): 190 - 369- 770 um. x 10 -12- 16 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 4 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 129
(4) Acanthostyles: 83 -130-197- 219 um. x 5 -9- 14 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 4 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 129
(5) Acanthostrongyles: 87 -129-147- 160 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 129

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(1) Rhaphides: 61 -76- 100 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

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(2) Palmate Isochelae: 16 -21- 35 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 195
(3) Toxas: 18 -68- 229 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

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Skeleton: Ectosome: Dermal membrane below which are small Styles parallel or at right angles to surface. Choanosome: Reticulation of Acanthostrongyles with echinating Acanthostyles; Styles attached to reticulation at, and penetrating surface.
Distribution: Southern to Northern California.
Depth: Intertidal to deep water.
Note: Specimens from California need review. See page 160 for details of variability.
Subtylostyles present.
Smaller Styles and Subtylostyles with heads smooth.
(de Laubenfels, 1927)
Sponge: Encrusting to 3 cm thick. .
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