Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 239)

( From page 238 A) Shape digitate to ramose.
Primary fibers: 78 - 130 μm.
Secondary fibers: 18 - 65 μm.
Oscula subapical, 3 mm in diameter.
cc239A.jpg (Marenzeller, 1887) [of Green & Bakus, 1994]
Sponge: Digitate lobe. Subapical osculum 3 mm in diameter. Spongin fiber reticulation visible on surface. Fibers protrude from surface forming low conules. Consistency: spongy, rough.
Color: Tan ?Alive.
Spicules: None
Fibers: Protrude from surface forming conules 0.2 mm high. Anastomosing fibers (primary): 78 - 130 μm with foreign material, (secondary) 18 - 65 μm without foreign material. Foreign material includes sand grains and pieces of spicules.
Skeleton: Ectosome: Thin dermis. Choanosome: Anastomosing reticulum of spongin fibers.
Distribution: Russian arctic, ? Central California.
Depth: Deep water.
Note: Needs thorough review.
Primary fibers: 100 - 200 μm.
Secondary fibers: 10 - 25 μm.
Oscula inconspicuous, near 100 μm in diameter.
Dysidea amblia de Laubenfels, 1930
Sponge: Digitate to ramose to 20-30 cm high.
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