- Surface:
Texture: superficially smooth but somewhat hispid
Contour: Slightly raised flattened lobes delineated by furrows or rounded lobes with ends free
- Oscula:
Density: few
Diameter: 0.5 -- 1.0 mm
- Ectosome:
Architecture: In places thick palisades of spreading Strongyles to Subtornotes.
- Choanosome:
Architecture: Vague pauci- to multispicular tracts to surface. These often confused and made difficult to see due to multitudes of random spicules.
- Skeleton:
Composition: Silicate
Architecture: Vague pauci- to multispicular tracts to surface. These often confused and made difficult to see due to multitudes of random spicules.
- Megasclere:
Shape: Styles - Acanthostyles: the latter mostly with spines on the head but a few spined to midpoint of shaft
Length: 618 -806- 933 µ
- Megasclere:
Shape: Strongyles - Subtornotes
Length: 385 -521- 594 µ
- Microsclere:
Shape: Arcuate Isochelae
Length: 26 -37- 55 µ