- Surface:
Texture: rough and prickly
- Ectosome:
Dermal membrane: Thin
Architecture: Surface with irregularly arranged Calthrops and Oxeas projecting through the surface
- Choanosome:
Architecture: Confused with Oxeas and Calthrops
- Skeleton:
Composition: Silicate
Architecture: Confused with Oxeas and Calthrops
- Megasclere:
Shape: Oxeas (thin)
Length: 2.75-3.45-4.00 mm
Width: 8 -10- 16 µ
- Megasclere:
Shape: Oxeas (thick)
Length: 1.38-2.53-3.68 mm
Width: 34 -58- 91 µ
- Megasclere:
Shape: Styles
Length: 1.95-2.30-2.75 mm
Width: 39 -71- 100 µ
- Megasclere:
Shape: Calthrops
Length: 200 -505- 700 µ
Width: 26 -67- 91 µ
- Megasclere:
Shape: Triacts
Length: 200 -350- 400 µ
- Microsclere:
Shape: Microxeas(roughened)
Length: 130 -202- 231 µ
- Microsclere:
Shape: Asters
Length: 13 -20- 29 µ