- Surface:
Texture: super-ficially smooth but granular from sand in dermal membrane and acanthoxeas below
- Skeleton:
Composition: Silicate
Architecture: densely packed Acanthoxeas. Also contains irregularly spaced tracts of smooth Oxeas and Tylostyles 3- 6 spicules thick
- Ectosome:
Dermal membrane: Thick; includes sand grains but no Acanthoxeas.
- Choanosome:
Architecture: densely packed Acanthoxeas. Also contains irregularly spaced tracts of smooth Oxeas and Tylostyles 3- 6 spicules thick from bottom of sponge to dermal membrane
- Megasclere:
Shape: Tylostyles
Length: 192 -213- 244 µ
Width: 10 -11- 13 µ
- Megasclere:
Shape: Tylostyles
Length: 1.00-1.30-1.50 mm
Width: 5 -12- 18 µ
- Megasclere:
Shape: Oxeas
Length: 600 -755- 920 µ
Width: 8 -9- 10 µ
- Microsclere:
Shape: Acanthoxeas
Length: 104 -121- 148 µ
Width: 5 -7- 10 µ