- Surface:
Texture: smooth in places to rugose
- Oscula:
Shape: oval to irregular
Diameter: 2 -- 4 mm
- Ectosome:
Architecture: Thick. Large canals just below surface. Specimen covered with epizoics which have penetrated surface making ectosome difficult to describe.
- Choanosome:
Architecture: Loose reticulation and thick bundles of spicules with a dense overlay of random spicules.
- Megasclere:
Shape: Acanthostyles
Length: 104 -119- 133 µ
Width: 4 -4.5- 5 µ
- Megasclere:
Shape: Acanthostyles
Length: 188 -224- 253 µ
Width: 5 -- 9 µ
- Megasclere:
Shape: Subtylotes- Tylotes
Length: 162 -181- 205 µ
Width: 3 -4- 5 µ
- Microsclere:
Shape: Anchorate Isochelae
Length: 19 -23- 27 µ
- Microsclere:
Shape: Anchorate Isochelae
Length: 30 -35- 41 µ
- Microsclere:
Shape: Sigmas
Length: 58 -67- 82 µ
- Skeleton:
Composition: Silicate
Architecture: Loose reticulation and thick bundles of spicules with a dense overlay of random spicules.