- Surface:
Texture: in places superficially smooth but hispid
Contour: extremely bumpy. Large lobes extend from base
- Skeleton:
Composition: Silicate
Architecture: Thick Styles form irregular reticulation to random with a few obvious tracts to surface. Thin Styles;Oxeas; Acanthoxeas scattered in between.
- Ectosome:
Architecture: Cortex of massive numbers of Acanthoxeas;outer ones parallel to surface and tightly scattered within. Large Styles and many small Styles penetrate surface; both heads and tips free.
- Choanosome:
Architecture: Thick Styles form irregular reticulation to random with a few obvious tracts to surface. Thin Styles
- Megasclere:
Shape: Thin Styles
Length: 1.88-2.59-3.08 mm
Width: 7 -- 12 µ
- Megasclere:
Shape: Thick Styles
Length: 848 -1074 - 1285 µ
Width: 41--51 µ
- Megasclere:
Shape: Oxeas
Length: 606 -1120- 1660 µ
Width: 7-- 12 µ
- Microsclere:
Shape: Bent Acanthoxeas
Length: 60 -145- 229 µ
- Microsclere:
Shape: Centrotylote Oxeas
Length: 60 -145- 229 µ