Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 015)

( From page 013 B) Tylostyles 1, 2, or more size classses with combined size range of > 180 μm
Tylostyles up to 925 μm, range >700 μm.
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Prosuberites sp. Hartman, 1975
Sponge: Thinly encrusting up to 2 mm thick.
Color: Alive: Gold, hazel, yellow-brown,olive-brown.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Tylostyles: 175 - 925 um. x 7.0 - 17 um. Length-Range > 700 μm.
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Skeleton: Ectosome of densely packed small upright Tylostyles, 250 x 10 μm. Choanosome With more or less thick formed tracts of large spicules, points up, which run to the surface.
Distribution: Central California, in bays
Depth: Low to very low intertidal.
[B] GO TO PAGE 016
Tylostyle < 700 μm, range < 590 μm.
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