Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 026)

( From page 025 A) Microscleres Arcuate Isochelae ONLY.
Arcuate Isochelae, 1 size class (17-25 μm).
Thinly encrusting, < 1 mm thick.
Acanthose spicules arranged vertically with heads embedded in basal spongin layer.
cc026A.jpg (de Laubenfels, 1930)
Sponge: Thinly encrusting < 1 mm thick. Surface: superficially smooth.
Color: Alive: Salmon red. Preserved: pale flesh.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Acanthosubtylostyle: 95 - 155 um. x 8.0 -12.5 um.
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(2) Acanthosubtylostyle: 250 - 470 um. x 11.0 -19.5 um.
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(3) Styles-Subtylostyles: 165 - 230 um. x 2.5 - 4.0 um. May have microspined heads
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(1) Arcuate Isochelae: 17 - 25 um.
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Skeleton: Acanthose spicules with heads embedded in basal spongin; Styles in tracts to surface, end in tufts.
Distribution: Central California.
Depth: Intertidal.
Note: Confused with Clathria (Clathria) asodes if Arcuate Isochelae are confused with Palmate Isochelae (see page 23A). Was Anaata brepha.
Arcuate Isochelae, 2 size classes (15-32 μm and 30-59 μm).
Encrusting to 3 cm. thick.
Spicules forming branching vertical tracts.
(de Laubenfels, 1930)
Sponge: Encrusting to 3 cm thick.
Color: Alive: Brick red to deep brown.
Spicules: Megascleres:
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(1)Acanthostyle: 73 -101-121-145 um. x 7.0 - 8.5 um.
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(2) Acanthostyle: 164 -312-370- 497 um. x 11.0 -12.5 um.
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(3) Subtylostyles to Tylostyles: 152 -192-221- 390 um. x 4.0 - 4.5 um. Heads smooth or with a few tiny spines.
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(1)Arcuate isochelae: 15 -22-27- 32 um.
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(2)Arcuate isochelae: 30 -40-50- 59 um.
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Skeleton: Acanthostyles forming branched vertical tracts with points up. Short Acanthostyles with heads embedded in basal spongin and echinating tracts.
Distribution: Southern to Northern California.
Depth: Intertidal to subtidal.
Note: Was Anaata spongigartina.
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