Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 032)

( From page 027 B) Microscleres OTHER THAN Palmate Isochelae and Toxa ONLY or NO microscleres. Raphides frequently PRESENT but may be ABSENT.
[A] GO TO PAGE 033
Acanthostyles with large spines on point.
Sponge stalked.
Within this group of sponges it is often difficult to clearly discern the large Styles. Their large size makes it difficult to see them intact since they break so easily. It is suggested that preparations be handled carefully, and gently poured into a petri dish for microscopic observation, where the chances of breakage are lessened. In the following pages, species of the genus Endectyon from California are discussed. This genus needs a thorough review as there are many differing descriptions for the same species. Part of the problem relates to the inability of finding long, thin Styles over 1000 μm in length. As noted above, these are easily broken and consequently may be overlooked. In some cases Strongyles are described from E. (Hemectyon) hyale and in others, they are not found. An attempt has been made to depict only what has been described in the literature since a full review of this group was impossible at this time.
[B] GO TO PAGE 034
Acanthostyles with small spines on point.
Sponge not stalked
The comments made in 32A apply to the species reviewed in this section as well.
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