Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 040)

( From page 039 A) Unguiferous Anisochelae PRESENT.
Sigmas present
Unguiferous Anisochelae 26 -28- 30 μm.
Cladorhiza sp. 2 [of Lee]
Sponge: Stalked. Stalk ending in thin cap with long projections.
Color: Preserved: Tan to light brown.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Thin Styles- somewhat fusiform with very small head end: 430 -570- 745 um. x 7 -11 - 13 um.
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(2) Thick Styles-the smallest straight-the larger somewhat fusiform with a tendency for hastate points: 1151 -2322- 3903 um. x 31 -48- 63 um.
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(1) Sigmas: 61 -69- 79 um.
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(2) Unguiferous Anisochelae: 26 -28- 30 um.
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Skeleton: Not yet analyzed.
Distribution: Southern California.
Depth: Deep water, 3632 to 4087 m.
[B] GO TO PAGE 041
Sigmas absent.
Unguiferous Anisochelae > 30 μm.
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