Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 061)

( From page 060 B) Microscleres other than Arcuate Isochelae.
Toxiform Oxeas (400 - 800 μm) present.
Artemisina archegona Ristau, 1978
Sponge: Thin encrusting. Consistency: firm, slightly compressible. Surface: minutely hispid. Oscula: 0.6 mm diameter, situated in surficial depressions.
Color: Alive: Bright orange. Preserved: White.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Styles-often bent near head end: 185 - 240 um. x 7 - 20 um.
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(2) Subtylostyles with microspined heads: 120 - 340 um. x 2.5 um.
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(1) Palmate Isochelae: 18 - 21 um.
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(2) Toxas with low compressed arch; straight to irregularly bent:: 105 - 520 um. x 0.5 - 1.0 um.
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(3) Toxiform Oxeas: 450 - 800 um. x 3 - 6 um.
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Skeleton: Vague tracts of Styles running towards surface. Tracts connected by single or multiple style tracts.
Distribution: Southern to Central California.
Depth: Subtidal: 5 - 15 m.
[B] GO TO PAGE 062
NO Toxiform Oxeas present. Regular toxas (26 - 165 μm) may be present.
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