Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 065)

( From page 059 B) Microscleres include Sigmas.
Rhaphides present, in bundles.
Biemna rhadia de Laubenfels, 1930
Sponge: Amorphous to 7 mm high. Consistency: Fragile. Oscula: Not seen..
Color: Dry: Drab.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Styles: 600 -932- 1305 um. x 20 um.
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(1) Sigmas: 13 -15- 25 um.
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(2) Sigmas: 29 -50- 91 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

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(3) Sigmas: 260 -280- 330 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 195
(4) Rhaphides: 90 -168- 210 um.
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Skeleton: Detachable dermal membrane with microscleres only. Choanosome with thick ascending, branched tracts, cored by densely packed styles.
Distribution: Southern to Northern California.
Depth: Intertidal to deep water, 700 m.
Note: Small spheres were reported by de Laubenfels but have not been reported since.
[B] GO TO PAGE 066
Rhaphides NOT present.
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