Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 068)

( From page 067 A) Microscleres include Sigmas.
Microscleres include Anisochelae.
cc068A.jpg (Kent, 1870) [of Green & Bakus, 1994 as Mycale (Rhaphidotheca) rhopalophora]
Sponge: Digitate. Consistency: firm. Surface: rough, hispid.
Color: White ? Alive .
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Exotylotes: 400 -405- 450 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 129
(2) Subtylostyles: 310 -375- 440 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 129

Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 131
Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 195
(1) Anisochelae: 26 -26- 31 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 195
(2) Anisochelae: 91 -95- 104 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 195
(3) Sigmas: 55 -58- 62 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 195
(4) Rhaphides(as Trichodragma): 52 -62- 70 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

Warning: Undefined array key 4 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 214

Skeleton: Exotylote heads protrude from surface. Choanosome with ascending tracts of Subtylostyles which ramify from base to surface.
Distribution: Southern California.
Depth: Deep water, 75 to 123 m.
Note: This species was identified by Green & Bakus from fragments. Spicule measurements of Schmidt's R. rhopalaphora are quite different from those reported by Green & Bakus. Anisochelae reported by Green & Bakus are identical to Mycale sp. 3 of Lee (see page 054A) suggesting possible contamination. Evidence of California Rhaphidotheca is available, but thus far all specimens seen have either been contaminated or incomplete.
[B] GO TO PAGE 069
Microscleres do NOT include Anisochelae.
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