Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 070)

( From page 067 B) Microscleres DO NOT include Sigmas.
Microscleres include Palmate Isochelae, Toxas, and sometimes J-shaped microscleres, but NOT Spirasters OR Streptasters.
cc070A.jpg (de Laubenfels, 1930)
Sponge: Encrusting to 8 mm thick. Consistency: fragile. Surface: uneven, hispid. Oscula: and pores not evident.
Color: Alive: Drab, dull orange.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Tylostyles: 330 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 129
(2) Styles -smooth or with a few spines: 340 - 415 um. x 18 - 33 um.
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(1) Palmate Isochelae: 24 - 29 um.
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(2) Toxas: 145 - 190 um.
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(3) J-shaped microscleres - Crocae: 16 - 17 um.
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Skeleton: Ectosome vague, dermal membrane present. Choanosome: Confused renieroid reticulation.
Distribution: Central California.
Depth: Deep water, 700 m.
Note: Was Jia jia.
[B] GO TO PAGE 071
Microscleres include Spirasters or Streptasters ONLY.
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