Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 089)

( From page 088 A) Spicules coring fibers but may also be found outside of fibers.
Lobate, ramose or digitate. Spicules cored and free.
Chalinula ecbasis (de Laubenfels, 1930)
Sponge: Lobate, ramose or digitate to 10 cm high and 1 cm in diameter. Surface: superficially hirsute. Pores all over surface, irregular, 60-200 μm. Oscula: Oscules few, apical, 2-5 mm in diameter or along sides of tubes.
Color: Alive: Buff, brown, tan, purple to pinkish purple and lavender.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Oxeas: 100 um. x 5 um.
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Fell (see note below) describes oxeas 84-119-133-145 μm.
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Skeleton: Ectosome, vague with thin dermal membrane and no spicules. Choanosome fibrous reticulation with polygonal meshes 75 μm in diameter. Spicules otherwise in confusion. Ascending and transverse fibers 10-20 μm in diameter, cored by 4-7 rows of spicules although the amount of spongin varies greatly.
Distribution: Southern and ? Northern California.
Depth: Intertidal.
Note: Also described by Fell, 1970 and said to have gemmules. Very similar to Chalinula loosanoffi. and Haliclona sp. B of Hartman all of which are highly variable. All three need to be carefully examined and compared as identification at this time is difficult. Was Haliclona ecbasis.
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Thinly (1-2 mm thick) encrusting, spicules cored and free. OR Massive and spicules only coring fibers.
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