Sponge with encrusting base and with finger-like fistulae to 4 cm high. |
| Oceanapia oleracea
(Schmidt, 1870) [of Sim & Bakus, 1986] |
Encrusting base with fistulae to 4 cm high.
Color: Tan to White ?Alive.
Spicules: Megascleres:
(1) Oxeas:
Length: 70 -90- 110
x 2 -3.5- 5 um.
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No information.
Distribution: Southern California, Catalina Harbor, Santa Catalina Id.
Depth: Intertidal, 0.2 m.
Note: Originally reported as Rhizochalina oleracea Schmidt, 1870. The information given above is that which was reported by Sim & Bakus. Given the lack of details of the skeletal structure and the reported distribution of this species, plus some discrepancy in the reported spicule measurements, it is difficult to assess the validity of this report. Note 2:The cross-section shown is from the type of Phloeodictyon nodisum, synonomous with Oceanapia oleracea.
Sponge encrusting, or lobate to tubular. No fistulae present.