Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 098)

( From page 096 B) Spicule mean < 120 μm.
Sponge encrusting.
Oxeas, mean length 75 - 102 μm.
Color: violet, mauve or buff.
Haliclona (Haliclona) sp. A Hartman, 1975
Sponge: Thinly encrusting to 2-3 mm thick. Oscula: 1-3 mm across, closely spaced, almost flush with surface or with raised rims.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Oxeas: 67 -75-102- 121 um. x 3.0 - 9.0 um.
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Skeleton: Anisotropic reticulation, ladder-like, of mostly single oxeas.
Distribution: ? Southern and Central California. On open coast.
Depth: Intertidal to deep water.
Note: H. permollis (Bowerbank, 1866) considered to be a cosmopolitan species by many but is a synonym of H. cineria Grant, 1826 None of the reports of it from the California coast conform to this North East Atlantic Ocean species. De Laubenfels referred to this species as H. cineria. Hartman, 1975 abandoned the name and called this common intertidal purple sponge Haliclona (Haliclona) sp. A. See page 97B and 99A for additional information. This represents a new species and is now being described.
[B] GO TO PAGE 099
This species is incompletely described and may be related to, or the same as Haliclona (Haliclona) sp. A described by Hartman, 1975. See page 98A.
Bakus & Green, 1987
Sponge: No information.
Spicules: Megascleres:
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(1)Oxeas: 60 -111- 130 um. x 1 -2 - 3 um.
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Skeleton: Isodictyal reticulation, one spicule thick.
Distribution: Santa Catalina Id, Southern California.
Depth: Intertidal.
Note: No illustrations provided. See page 99 for additional species reported for which little information is available.
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