Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 178)

( From page 174 B) Diacts = Tornotes or Tornote-like; tips pointed and microspined OR blunt with multispined tips.
Isochelae Anchorate, of 1 size class.
Largest Isochelae never exceed 30 μm with means of 20 - 24 μm.
Monacts: Styles with few spines.
Diacts: Tornote or Tornote-like, mostly with blunt, multispined tips.
cc178A.jpg de Laubenfels, 1930
Sponge: Thick encrusting to amorphous to 2.5 cm thick. Surface: Superficially very lumpy.
Color: Preserved: Pale drab.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Styles-Acanthostyles: 145 -165-197- 227 um. x 5 -7-10- 11 um.
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(2) Tornotes: 99 -148-162- 186 um. x 3 -5- 7 um.
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(1) Sigmas: 9 -15-21- 28 um.
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(2) Sigmas: 25 -34-37- 42 um.
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(3) Anchorate Isochelae: 14 -20-24- 30 um.
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Skeleton: Ectosome: Dermal membrane with few if any spicules, often missing. Below, vertical tufts of upright Tornotes. Choanosome: Loose reticulation of 2-5 Styles-Acanthostyles. Tracts arise and branch near the surface below Tornotes.
Distribution: Southern to Central California.
Depth: Intertidal to subtidal.
[B] GO TO PAGE 179
Isochelae both Anchorate and Unguiferous, each of 2 size classes.
Largest size class of Isochelae always exceeding 30 μm with means of 37- 45 μm.
Monacts: Styles to Acanthostyles OR Acanthostyles ONLY.
Diacts: Tornotes with mucronate OR irregularly shaped and distinctly microspined tips.
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