Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 194)

( From page 192 B) Acanthostyles to < 300 μm
Acanthostyles to > 180 μm.
Hymedesmia (Hymedesmia) sp. B Hartman, 1975
Sponge: Encrusting < 1 mm thick.
Color: Alive: Salmon.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Acanthostyles: 96 -106- 248 um. x 8.0 um.
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(2) Subtylotes - Tylotes: 141 -200- 204 um. x 5.5 um.
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(1) Arcuate Isochelae: 21 -35- 43 um.
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Skeleton: Ectosome: Tylotes arranged vertically to form a dense plush at surface. Choanosome: Acanthostyles with heads embedded in basal spongin. Also, dense tracts of Tylotes.
Distribution: Central California.
Depth: Intertidal -Subtidal.
[B] GO TO PAGE 195
Acanthostyles < 180 μm
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