Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 219)

( From page 217 A) Sponge borne on a narrow stalk at least one-fourth to one-third of the total height.
Spicules Triradiates-Quadriradiates, Oxeas, and Microxeas.
Sponge vase-shaped-tubular.
Stalk to 2 cm.
Leucilla nuttingi (Urban, 1902)
Sponge: Vase shaped or tubular 1 cm diam. narrows distally, to 5 cm high. Borne on narrow stalk to 2 cm high. Surface: smooth. Oscula: Apical, 3 mm diameter.
Color: Alive: White to tan.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Coronal oxeas(may be missing): to 1250 um.
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(2) Oxeas: 50 - 160 um.
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(3) Hypodermal Triradiates-Quadriradiates (rays): 200 - 900 um.
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(4) Triradiates (rays): 230 um.
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(5) Cloacal Triradiates-Quadriratiates (rays): 20 - 150 um.
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(6) Choanosomal Triradiates-Quadriradiates (rays): 230 um.
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(1) Microxeas: 45 um.
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Skeleton: Leuconoid organization.
Distribution: Southern to Northern California.
Depth: Intertidal to deep water (to 700 m*).
Note: Cf. Sim & Bakus, 1986, and *Green & Bakus, 1994. Was Rhabdodermella nuttingi.
Spicules Triradiates only.
Sponge vase-shaped.
Stalk to 5 mm.
Guancha blanca (Miklucho-Maclay, 1868) [of Sim & Bakus, 1986]
Sponge: Vase-shaped, stalked, body flattened to 2 cm high. Said to often give rise through budding to small colonies of tubular individuals seldom exceeding 3 mm high.
Color: Alive: White to tan.
Spicules: Megascleres:
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(1)Equiangular or equiradiate spicules to which parasaggital are added Triradiates: 40 - 70 um. x 5 um.
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Skeleton: Composed of a solid or tubular peduncle with a cormus of anastomosed tubes. Parasaggital spicules localized in the peduncle and always arranged parallel with their unpaired actine oriented basipetally.
Distribution: Southern California.
Depth: Intertidal to deep water.
Note: Thought by some to be cosmopolitan and similar to Clathrina sp. of Hartman (pg. 222A, 225B), cited as Leucosolenia convallaria. Not well known or understood in California. Needs thorough review. Described from the Adriatic. Very likely a complex of species. Was Clathrina blanca.
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