Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 227)

( From page 226 B) Oxeas to < 750 μm. Oxeas of 1 size class.
Oxeas to < 450 μm.
Sponge is a loose network of anastomosing tubules 3 cm high, forming masses up to 10 cm across and 3 cm high. Tubes to 1.7 mm in diameter.
Leucosolenia eleanor Urban, 1905
Sponge: Tubes: 0.3-1.7 mm diameter. Surface: smooth. Oscula: simple, few, 1 mm diameter.
Color: Alive: White.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Oxeas: 70 - 435 um. x 4 - 9 um.
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(2) Quadriradiates (rays): to 140 um. x 9 um.
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(3) Saggital alate Triradiates (rays): to 80 um. x 7 um. The posterior ray straight and the lateral two curved.
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(4) Triradiates (rays): to 140 um. x 7 um.
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Skeleton: Asconoid.
Distribution: Southern to Northern California.
Depth: Intertidal to subtidal.
Oxeas to > 500 μm.
Sponge consists of basal anastomoses from which arise numerous branching oscula bearing tubes.
Tubes to 3.8 mm in diameter.

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Leucosolenia sp. Hartman, 1975
Sponge: Diameter of oscule bearing tubes to 3.8 mm.
Color: Alive: White.
Spicules: Megascleres:
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(1)Oxeas: 175 - 725 um. x 3 - 9 um.
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(2)Triradiates saggittal: - mostly inequiangular or saggital; almost equiangular. Size not given.
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Skeleton: Not given.
Distribution: Central California.
Depth: Intertidal.
Note: On harbor floats. Could well be an ecophenotypic variant of Leucosolenia nautilia.
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