Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 242)

( From page 241 A) Amphidiscs present.
Principalia = Pentactins and Hexactins.
Marginalia = Sceptres and Uncinates.
Poliopogon mendocino Reiswig, 1999
Sponge: A broad, flaring funnel.
Color: Alive: Gold. Dried: Pumpkin - orange.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Pentactin: (tangential ray length): 1.5 -3.1- 7.3 mm. (proximal ray length): 0.5 -2.5- 5.9 mm.
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(2) Hexactin: (ray length): 1.2 -3.4- 7.2 mm.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 129
(3) Sceptre: 7.6 -12.2- 19.4 mm.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 129
(4) Uncinate: 3.6 -6.1- 9.0 mm.
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(1) Pinule: (distal ray): 180 -226- 292 um. (basal ray): 124 -128- 155 um.
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(2) Spiny Hexactins: (ray length): 49 -84- 144 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 172

Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 174
Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 195
(1) Mesamphidiscs: 61 -85- 131 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 195
(2) Micramphidiscs: 26 -39- 60 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 195
(3) Hexadisc (rare): 26 -23-33 - 44 um.
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 212

Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/thackerdb2/public_html/casponges/programfiles/WCS_Key4.php on line 214

Skeleton: Entirely of loose spicules.
Distribution: Northern California.
Depth: Deep water.
Note: Other: Known only from holotype. Data from holotype CASIZ 113631.
[B] GO TO PAGE 243
Principalia = Diactins and Hexactins.
Marginalia = Pinular Diactins OR none,
NO Sceptres or Uncinates.
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