Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 247)

( From page 246 B) Shaft of Anchorate Clavule with a few large thorns.
Terminal claws of Anchorate Clavules twisted in a spiral around the shaft.
Farrea convolvulus Schulze, 1899
Sponge: A network of branching and anastomosing tubes 10-15 mm in diameter.
Color: Not reported.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) *Uncinates:
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(1) Pentactins:
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(2) Pileate Clavule: 200 - 250 um.
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(3) Anchorate Clavule:
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(1) Oxyhexactins:
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(2) Oxyhexasters:
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Skeleton: Framework is one layer thick at margins.
Distribution: Southern California.
Depth: Deep water.
Note: Known only from 1 or 2 specimens (?) collected west of San Diego.

* Schulze (1899) gave only one measurement; specimens were mostly macerated.
Terminal claws of Anchorate Clavules NOT twisted in a spiral around the shaft.
Farrea mexicana Wilson, 1904
Sponge: A network of branching and anastomosing tubes 8 mm in diameter.
Color: Not reported.
Spicules: Megascleres:
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(1)Uncinates: 0.91 -1.51- 2.96 mm.
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(1) Pentactins (tangential ray length): 180 - 255 - 327 um. proximal ray length): 151 -212- 284 um.
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(2) Pileate Clavules: 220 - 297- 378 um.
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(3) Anchorate Clavules: 225 - 355- 622 um.
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(1)Oxyhexasters (diameter): 97 -126- 165 um.
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Skeleton: Framework is one layer thick at margins.
Distribution: Southern California.
Depth: Deep water.
Note: Included under this name is the preoccupied species Farrea aculeata, Schulze, 1899.
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