Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 249)

( From page 248 B) Dermalia are Pinular Hexactins.
Dermalia (= Pinular Hexactins) with distal ray short, club-shaped, and blunt.
Heterochone calyx (Schulze,1886)
Sponge: Caliciform with tubular lateral projections.
Color: Alive: White to orange.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Uncinates: 0.56 -0.85- 1.46 mm.
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(2) Pinular Hexactins (distal ray): 60 -89- 150 um. (tangential ray): 91-148- 211 um. (proximal ray): 69 -314- 950 um.
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(1) Hexactins (ray): 92 -128- 204 um.
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(2) Scopules: 206 -328- 630 um.
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(1) Discohexactins: (diameter) 44 -59- 88 um.
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(2) Oxyhexactins: (diameter) 62 -74- 99 um.
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(3) Hemidiscohexasters: (diameter) 49 -63- 80 um.
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(4) Hemi-oxyhexasters: (diameter) 53 -74- 91 um.
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Skeleton: Siliceous frame penetrated by diarhysial channels.
Distribution: Throughout California.
Depth: Deep water.
Other: Data from RMM 1-2763. The most common Hexactinellid in N. Pacific coastal waters. Often referred to as Chonelasma calyx in the literature.
[B] GO TO PAGE 250
Dermalia (=Pinular Hexactins) with distal ray long, spindle-shaped and sharp.
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