Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 253)

( From page 252 B) Octasters NOT present.
Microscleres all Hexactins.
NO Hexasters present.
Aphorme horrida Schulze, 1899
Sponge: Tubular sac with dense veil of stiff spicules.
Color: Not recorded.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Prostal Diactins: to 6 cm.
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(2) Principal Diactins: 2.2 -4.6- 7.2 mm.
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(3) Pentactins (tangential ray): 1.8 -3.9- 8.3 mm. (proximal ray): 6.4 -8.0- 10.1 mm.
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(1) Small Diactins: 499 -744- 1123 mm um.
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(2) Stauractins (ray): 202 - 412- 546 um.
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(1) Oxyhexactins (diameter): 60 -80- 103 um.
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Skeleton: Loose spicules; without fusion.
Distribution: Southern and Central California.
Depth: Deep water.
Note: Data from Holotype USNM 7504.
[B] GO TO PAGE 254
Hexasters present.
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