Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 133)

( From page 132 B) Microscleres do NOT include Arcuate Isochelae.
Microscleres include Anchorate Isochelae.
Plocamiancora igzo (de Laubenfels, 1932)
Sponge: Encrusting to 1 cm thick. Surface: lumpy, minutely hispid. Oscula: not evident. Pores 20-25 μm.
Color: Alive: Orange-red, carmine.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Tylostyles - Sub-tylostyles with or without microspined heads: 130 - 310 um. x 10 - 17 um.
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(2) Anisotornotes - Anisosubtylostyles; straight, thin-many with one microspined rounded end and one mucronate end: 115 - 156 um. x 4.0 um.
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(3) Tylotes with heads coarsely to minutely microspined: 125 - 130 um. x 9.5 um.
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(1) Anchorate Isochelae: 13 - 14 um.
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Skeleton: Ectosome: Dermis with microscleres and bouquets of Anisotornotes. Choanosomal skeleton of ascending plumose columns of Tylostyles- Subtylostyles and a few Tylotes, (also found interstitially) - form isotropic reticulation. Anisotornotes or Anisosubtylostyles occur interstitially. Microscleres scattered throughout.
Distribution: Southern, Central California.
Depth: Intertidal to subtidal.
Note: Was Plocamia igzo. Anisotornotes not shown.
[B] GO TO PAGE 134
Microscleres do NOT include Anchorate Isochelae.
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