Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 135)

( From page 130 A) Microscleres include Palmate Isochelae; with or without Toxas.
Cladotylotes present.
Acarnus erithacus de Laubenfels, 1927
Sponge: Encrusting to 5 cm. Consistency: firm, thick. Surface: superficially smooth, often with oscular chimneys. Oscula: round, to 4 mm diameter.
Color: Alive: Red, bronze, bright scarlet to terra cotta.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Cladotylotes: 95 - 120 um. x 4.0 - 6.0 um.
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(2) Cladotylotes: 220 - 230 um. x 10 - 11 um. present or absent. (3) Styles to Subtylostyles: 290 - 425 um. x 15.0 - 18.0 um.
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(4) Strongyles - Subtylotes -microspined: 185 - 220 um. x 4.4 - 4.7 um.
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(1) Palmate Isochelae: 11 - 20 um.
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(2) Toxas: 15 - 135 um.
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(3) Toxas: 190 - 440 um.
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Skeleton: Ectosome: Wth thin dermal membrane. Strongyles to Subtylotes in ectosome. Choanosome: Styles-Subtylostyles forming thick ascending reticulate tracts echinated by Cladotylotes.
Distribution: Southern to Northern California.
Depth: Intertidal to deep water.
Note: See Bakus & Green, 1987 for description of specimens without the large Cladotylotes.
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NO Cladotylotes present.
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