Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 140)

( From page 139 B) Microscleres WITHOUT Forceps. Arcuate Isochelae of 1 size class.
Styles - Subtylostyles > 600 μm (to 933 μm).
Diacts > 375 μm (to 594 μm).
Lissodendoryx sp. 5 [of Lee]
Sponge: Massive, soft. Consistency: somewhat fragile. Surface: superficially smooth but somewhat hispid. Slightly raised, flattened lobes delineated by furrows, or rounded lobes with ends free. Oscula: few, 0.5 - 1.0 mm.
Color: Not given.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Styles - Acanthostyles: the latter mostly with spines on the head but a few spined to midpoint of shaft: 618 -806- 933 um.
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(2) Strongyles - Subtornotes: 385 -521- 594 um.
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(1) Arcuate Isochelae: 26 -37- 55 um.
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Skeleton: Ectosome: In places thick palisades of spreading Strongyles to Subtornotes. Choanosome: Vague pauci- to multispicular tracts to surface. These often confused and made difficult to see due to multitudes of random spicules.
Distribution: Southern California.
Depth: Deep water.
[B] GO TO PAGE 141
Styles < 475 μm.
Diacts < 375 μm.
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