Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 141)

( From page 140 B) Styles < 475 μm. Diacts < 375 μm.
Tornotes - Strongyles, microspined
NO Subtylotes
Lissodendoryx sp. 2 [of Lee]
Sponge: Encrusting to 11 mm thick. Consistency: firm. Surface: rugose with numerous interconnecting ridges and deep furrows. Surface superficially smooth but minutely hispid..
Color: Recorded as Isabella color (Ridgeway).
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Styles: 227 -257- 292 um.
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(2) Tornotes- Strongyles with microspined heads: 135 -182- 200 um.
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(1) Arcuate Isochelae: 20 -29- 37 um.
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(2) Sigmas: 43 -55- 65 um.
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Skeleton: Ectosome: Layer of Strongyles parallel to the surface and just at the surface. Choanosome: Thick multispicular primary tracts with paucispicular to multi-spicular connections forming a rugged reticulation.
Distribution: Southern California. La Jolla Canyon.
Depth: Deep water.
[B] GO TO PAGE 142
Subtylotes, smooth , NOT microspined.
NO Tornotes or Strongyles
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