Identifying Sponges

Key to California Porifera (Page 185)

( From page 184 B) Microscleres WITHOUT Rhaphides.
Microscleres include Bipocillates.
Iophon lamella Wilson, 1904 [as Iophon cheliferum californianum of de Laubenfels, 1932]
Sponge: Amorphous. Consistency: fragile. Surface: very lumpy and irregular. Oscula: irregular, 1 mm in diameter.
Color: Preserved: Dark brown.
Spicules: Megascleres: (1) Acanthostyles: 230 -320- 382 um. x 12 - 13 um.
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(2) Tylotes- Subtylotes with microspined heads: 235 - 390 um. x 6 - 8 um.
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(3) Styles: 235 - 280 um. x 3 um. (may not be present or may be immature).
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(1) Palmate Anisochelae: 15 - 40 um.
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(2) Bipocillates: 14 - 18 um.
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Skeleton: Ectosome: Fleshy dermal membrane with Tylotes bunched at or near surface. Choanosome: Dense isodictyal reticulation of Acanthostyles.
Distribution: Southern to ? Northern California.
Depth: Deep water.
Note: Present work shows that Iophon cheliferum californiana de Laubenfels, 1932 = Iophon lamella Wilson, 1904. I. pattersoni sensu Bakus and I. cheliferum sensu Lambe are the same and possibly an undescribed species. See page 186.
[B] GO TO PAGE 187
Microscleres WITHOUT Bipocillates.
Anchorate Isochelae present.
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