Sponge tubular. Color transparent white. |
| Haliclona (?Reniera) sp. F
Green & Bakus, 1994 |
Tubular, 11 x 1 mm.
Consistency: fragile, soft.
Surface: superficially smooth. Fine meshwork of skeleton visible.
Color: Alive: Transparent white.
Spicules: Megascleres:
(1) Oxeas:
151 -162- 172 um.
x 0.5 - 0.6 um.
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Irregular polygonal unispicular reticulation and longitudinal multispicular tracts of at least 10 spicules.
Distribution: Santa Maria Basin, Southern California.
Depth: 75 - 90 m.
Note: If the sponge is tubular to lobate, often branching or anastomosing, tan, orange brown or cinnamon, and found in bays, see page 97A.
Sponge encrusting. Color rose lavender, lavender, light grey-brown or grey-blue.
Note: See also page 103 for an additional, poorly described species in this series.